Saturday, April 28, 2012

John George Walk Trail April 28

We commenced our first walk for about three weeks as there was the Bible School and my recent trip to Vietnam.

I arrived a little behind schedule in picking Peter, slept in. Today's walk is in Midland along the river, John George Walk Trail. Peter has worked with the man the trail is named after.He did a lot for the community, but died suddenly on the verge of his retirement.


The walk was supposed to be 4km in each direction, but we found it hard to believe it was that long. It was very pleasant, a well made pathway. There is a very beautiful playground area being created at the commencement of the walk.


A very easy and pleasant walk, finished off with a coffee and eggs at a nice cafe in Midland.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Magnificent Five

Todays walk was a little different as it involved Peter Schifferli, Greg Hurn, Peter Maddon, Axel Jansen and myself of course. 

We jumped the scheduled program and did the walk from Mt Henry Bridge to Canning Bridge, return. Stated to be 8 kilometres, but I feel we walked it too quick to be that far. Talking with friends the time goes very quick.

Our walk commenced a little latter than usual at 8:45am, it is better to get going at our usual time of around 7:30am. There was so many people out walking and cycling, you had to be careful not to get run over. The river looked magnificent, some of the houses that are built along Mt Pleasant, you wonder how they afford to build such huge structures.

This will be the last walk for me until the last weekend in April, as next weekend is the Easter Bible School and then we are off to Vietnam until April 21. Plan to get a walk in on April 28, but I'm sure we walk a plenty in Vietnam.

Mt Henry Bridge Canning River

View from Mt Henry Bridge to Perth

Axel Jansen and Peter Maddon

Greg Hurn and Peter Schifferli