Saturday, September 28, 2013

Walk to Abyssinia Rock

Peter and I didn't make the full distance to the rock today, but it was a pleasant one hour trek along the Bibbulumun Track from where it crosses over the Brockton Hyw. Great that it was not raining. This is the last walk in my book, although there are a couple more to complete over the next month that we have jumped over.

I didn't take any pictures today. Was a little disappointed to see someone had driven their four wheel drive into the busha nd up the track and dumped all their trine pruning a on the track - Philistines!

We finished the walk with a great breakfast at Genesis Cafe Roleystone. Food was very nice and made on the premises. Peter was pleased that it wasn't cheap and it was my turn to fork out. We had two eggs in a tomatoe based mix, supported by sour dough bread and agreat coffee.

As they say - keep walking


Saturday, September 21, 2013

60 Foot Falls Martin

This is the first official Saturday walk this month, the rain has been delaying the action. I know Judy at work has been missing the weekly update as she finds these walks so inspiring! What is so amazing is that this walking location is so close to home, you could almost walk there from home. We are so fortunate to have such well preserved beauty spots to walk in the metro area.

Peter and I had a short but invigorating walk this morning. It is quite a steep climb, but as the path is of pretty good quality, with well made steps in sections it helps the process. It was very enjoyable seeing the amount of water flowing over the falls. I had my backpack on so it was a good activity to prepare myself for a two day walk along the Bibbulmun track in a couple weeks time.

The wild flowers were out, so that added to the beauty of the occasion. Although we only had to walk a couple kilometres it was challenging enough to raise the heartbeat a few levels. We will see if the rain holds off next ?Saturday, at this stage it is forecasted to be raining until next Friday.